Low-cost and simple charging solutions for apartment buildings

eONE - Unlock your Access

eONE provides automatic payment distribution, access management, and dynamic load balancing for apartment buildings and Individuals.

Bullet point green list


  • Usage data and automatic payment distribution for each user with or without direct connection to the apartment building billing service.

  • Access to the apartment building charging stations with the eONE key

  • Load balancing of the charging stations

  • Installation and hosting of the apartment buildings charging network**

  • Good cooperation with sellers and installers of the charging stations

A green icon of a wallet


  • 10% commission on total usage per month

Green communication bubbles

Serivce Inquiry

Send an inquiry to a consultant and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

*Mæling er lesin frá 16. degi fyrri mánaðar – 15. dags næsta mánaðar. Afvirkjun aðgangs er tilkynnt á www.e1.is fyrir 15. hvers mánaðar. Ekki er lokað fyrir aðgang ef um ræðir skemmri tíma en einn mánuð.

**Hleðsluþjónusta e1 annast þjónustu við hleðslunet í eigu húsfélagsins en rekstur hleðslustöðvanna er á ábyrgð húsfélagsins.