Low-cost and simple charging solutions for businesses

eONE - Unlock your access

Customers, employees, and other users can access the company's EV charging network at any price the company chooses, thanks to the business charging solution offered by eONE!

Bullet point green list


  • Access control to the company's charging network with the eONE app or key

  • Dynamic load balancing

  • Usage data and payment processing

  • Installation and hosting of the company's charging network*

  • Good cooperation with sellers and installers of the company's charging stations

A green icon of a wallet


Only a low monthly fee is paid for hosting each charging station/EVSE.

  • Charging station (not in app) ISK. 620 incl. VAT per month for each EVSE, regardless of the number of users

  • Charging station (AC) ISK. 990 incl. VAT per month for each EVSE, regardless of the number of users

  • Fast charging station (DC) ISK. 2,990 incl. VAT per month for each EVSE, regardless of the number of users

  • 20% transaction processing fee for all types of charging stations

Green communication bubbles

Serivce Inquiry

Send an inquiry to a consultant and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Green information circle

More information for companies

The company receives a monthly settlement report for all charging stations within the company network on the 15th of each month. The report provides information about the number of users, kWh usage, cost and income.
Additionally, the business has access to the eONE back-office system, allowing it to oversee its own charging network and users. The company can set up dynamic pricing plans, depending on time of day, days of the week, etc.
It is also possible to set up different prices for different groups, e.g staff, customers and others and you can choose to give those groups various benefits, e.g. discount, credits or even free charges.

*eONE provides hosting of a company-owned charging network. The company is responsible for the operation and maintance.

Afvirkjun aðgangs er tilkynnt á www.e1.is fyrir 15. hvers mánaðar.